Onglets principaux

Installation, photo, vidéo, collages, dessin, céramique
Ateliers Verrière Sud
Usine Kugler
Avenue de la Jonction 19
1205 Genève

Several major themes run through Marion Tampon-Lajarriette's work: phenomena related to vision and memory, access to the invisible and the construction of knowledge. Her videos, installations and photographic series frequently play with the porous borders between the visible, the invisible and the mental projection, as well as with the repetition of gestures and the circulation of images. Investigating both ways of seeing and ways of knowing, Marion Tampon-Lajarriette anchors her practice in their questioning and constant reinvention.

The Franco-Swiss artist Marion Tampon-Lajarriette is graduated a MFA in Ensba National Art School of Lyons (Fr) in 2007 and a Master in Arts and New Media at HEAD University of Art and Design of Geneva in 2008. She lives and works in Geneva, Switzerland. Her work, exhibited internationally since 2006, has notably been presented at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, at MAMCO in Geneva, at the Swiss Institute in New York, at MOCA in Toronto, at the Garage CCC in Moscow, at the Cinémathèque Française in Paris, at Printemps de Septembre festivals in Toulouse _ and is part of the permanent collections of MAMCO in Geneva, Nouveau Musée National de Monaco, Julius Baer Art Collection in Zurich, Maison Européenne de La Photographie in Paris, and the Francois Pinault Foundation, between others. The artist has been rewarded with numerous grants and residencies since 2004, including a federal art grant (2009), the grant from the Société des Arts de Genève (2010), an artist residency in New York from the State of Geneva (2013), a residency at the Swiss Institute in Rome (2017) and at KIOSKO Art Center in Bolivia (2023). Her second monograph : « Echos » was edited in 2020 by Casa Grande (331 pages, English/French/Spanish/Italian, texts by Cristóbal Barria, Mark Lewis, Beau Rhee, Lucille Ulrich, Valeria Venditti). The artist’s first monograph «Paramnesia» was edited in 2013 by SAV-Fondation Ahead in Geneva (70p, fr/en, texts of Christophe Kihm and Elie During, Marie Villemin and Marie-Léa Zwahlen).

Danaé Panchaud in SIKART Dictionnaire sur l'art en Suisse, 2022