Onglets principaux

Milano Calling

Inscription jusqu'au

mise au concours 2025-2026


Each year, Istituto Svizzero offers residency programmes in Roma, Milano or Palermo to emerging artists and scientific researchers who wish to contribute to the future of art, science and innovation. The calls are addressed to Swiss citizens and residents as well people who have established solid relations with the Swiss scientific and artistic scene.

On 11 December 2024, from 11:00 to 11:30 (CET), Istituto Svizzero invites scientific researchers interested in our residency programmes (Roma, Milano and Palermo Calling) to participate in a short zoom session with two staff members to learn more details.

Join the virtual meeting by clicking on the following link or visit our website
The residencies are:
Roma Calling: a ten-month residency running from September at Villa Maraini in Rome

Milano Calling: a seven-month residency from September in Milan

Palermo Calling: a three-month residency from September at Palazzo Butera in Palermo

Palermo Calling – Curator: a three-month residency from September, in collaboration with Fondazione Sicilia

Palermo Calling – Art&Science: a three-month residency for a duo from September, in collaboration with Fondazione Sant’Elia
Application deadline: 17.01.2025
Info and entry requirements: